Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Experimental investigation on the physical-thermal properties of Nanan granite after air and water cooling for deep geothermal heat extraction

Experimental investigation on the physical-thermal properties of Nanan granite after air and water cooling for deep geothermal heat extraction

Deep geothermal resources have been widely acknowledged as an alternative energy so... Read more

Zhennan Zhu, Shengqi Yang, Ren Wang, Jingyu Xie, Nuocheng Tian, Hong Tian, Jun Zheng, Guosheng Jiang, Bin Dou

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Microstructure development analysis of long-glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene in injection molded spiral-flow

Microstructure development analysis of long-glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene in injection molded spiral-flow

The research focuses on the fiber behavior following injection molding on a spiral-flow mold, particularly its fiber orientation behavior. The behavior of the glass fiber will be examined by altering key experiment settings, the screw speed and the back pressure, and employing different melt paths. The results show that the application of high back pressure and high screw speed decreased the fiber length but successfully increased the fiber orientation average to the flow direction. The desig... Read more

Ahmad Hafizh Ridho, Feng-Jung Cheng, Sheng-Jye Hwang

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Multiscale reconstruction of various vessels in the intact murine liver lobe

Multiscale reconstruction of various vessels in the intact murine liver lobe

The liver contains a variety of vessels and participates in miscellaneous physiological functions. While past studies generally focused on certain hepatic vessels, we simultaneously obtained all the vessels and cytoarchitectural information of the intact mouse liver lobe at single-cell resolution. […] providing a technology roadmap for studying the fine hepatic vascular structures and their spatial relationship, which will help research into liver diseases and evaluation of medical effi... Read more

Qi Zhang, Anan Li, Siqi Chen, Jing Yuan, Tao Jiang, Xiangning Li, Qingming Luo,Zhao Feng & Hui Gon

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High-Resolution Digital Panorama of Multiple Structures in Whole Brain of Alzheimer's Disease Mice

High-Resolution Digital Panorama of Multiple Structures in Whole Brain of Alzheimer's Disease Mice

Our study placed emphasis on solving problems in processing high-throughput bright field images and made attempt in developing a method for the extraction and reconstruction of multiple structures. This will facilitate a better understanding of the cerebral anatomical features under the pathological state of AD and shows extensive application prospect in drug efficacy assessment from brain-wide level.

Simultaneously visualizing Amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque with its surrounding brain structu... Read more

Xianzhen Yin, Xiaochuan Zhang, Jingjing Zhang, Weicheng Yang, Xian Sun, Haiyan Zhang, Zhaobing Gao, Hualiang Jiang

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Computational fluid dynamics with imaging of cleared tissue and of in vivo perfusion predicts drug uptake and treatment responses in tumours

Computational fluid dynamics with imaging of cleared tissue and of in vivo perfusion predicts drug uptake and treatment responses in tumours

Understanding the uptake of a drug by diseased tissue, and the drug’s subsequent spatiotemporal distribution, are central factors in the development of effective targeted therapies. However, the interaction between the pathophysiology of diseased tissue and individual therapeutic agents can be complex, and can vary across tissue types and across subjects. Here, we show that the combination of mathematical modelling, high-resolution optical imaging of intact and optically cleared tumour tiss... Read more

Angela d’Esposito, Paul W. Sweeney, Morium Ali, Magdy Saleh, Rajiv Ramasawmy, Thomas A. Roberts, Giulia Agliardi, Adrien Desjardins, Mark F. Lythgoe, R. Barbara Pedley, Rebecca Shipley and Simon Walker-Samuel

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Step-by-step guide to post-acquisition correlation of confocal and FIB/SEM volumes using Amira software

Step-by-step guide to post-acquisition correlation of confocal and FIB/SEM volumes using Amira software

In recent years new methodologies and workflow pipelines for acquiring correlated fluorescence microscopy and volume electron microscopy datasets have been extensively described and made accessible to users of different levels. Post-acquisition image processing, and particularly correlation of the optical and electron data in a single integrated three-dimensional framework can be key for extracting valuable information, especially when imaging large sample volumes such as whole cells or tissu... Read more

Allon Weiner

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VascuViz: a multimodality and multiscale imaging and visualization pipeline for vascular systems biology

VascuViz: a multimodality and multiscale imaging and visualization pipeline for vascular systems biology

Despite advances in imaging, image-based vascular systems biology has remained challenging because blood vessel data are often available only from a single modality or at a given spatial scale, and cross-modality data are difficult to integrate.

Therefore, there is an exigent need for a multimodality pipeline that enables ex vivo vascular imaging with magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and optical microscopy of the same sample, while permitting imaging with complementary c... Read more

Akanksha Bhargava, Benjamin Monteagudo, Priyanka Kushwaha, Janaka Senarathna, Yunke Ren, Ryan C. Riddle , Manisha Aggarwal and Arvind P. Pathak

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Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Precise methods for quantifying drug accumulation in brain tissue are currently very limited, challenging the development of new therapeutics for brain disorders. Transcardial perfusion is instrumental for removing the intravascular fraction of an injected compound, thereby allowing for ex vivo assessment of extravasation into the brain. However, pathological remodeling of tissue microenvironment can affect the efficiency of transcardial perfusion, which has been largely overlooked.

We... Read more

Serhii Kostrikov, Kasper B. Johnsen, Thomas H. Braunstein, Johann M. Gudbergsson, Frederikke P. Fliedner, Elisabeth A. A. Obara, Petra Hamerlik, Anders E. Hansen, Andreas Kjaer, Casper Hempel & Thomas L. Andresen

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Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Ovary and Fallopian Tube

Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Ovary and Fallopian Tube

Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynecological cancers, but is poorly amenable to preoperative diagnosis. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of “optical biopsy,” using high-optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) to quantify the microvasculature of ovarian and fallopian tube tissue. The technique is demonstrated using excised human ovary and fallopian tube specimens imaged immediately after surgery.
This report describes the first applicatio... Read more

Bin Rao, Xiandong Leng, Yifeng Zeng, Yixiao Lin, Ruimin Chen, Qifa Zhou, Andrea R. Hagemann, Lindsay M. Kuroki, Carolyn K. McCourt, David G. Mutch, Matthew A. Powell, Ian S. Hagemann & Quing Zhu

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Impact of physical confinement on nuclei geometry and cell division dynamics in 3D spheroids

Impact of physical confinement on nuclei geometry and cell division dynamics in 3D spheroids

Multicellular tumour spheroids are used as a culture model to reproduce the 3D architecture, proliferation gradient and cell interactions of a tumour micro-domain. However, their 3D characterization at the cell scale remains challenging due to size and cell density issues. In this study, we developed a methodology based on 3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) image analysis and convex hull calculation that allows characterizing the 3D shape and orientation of cell nuclei relative to ... Read more

Annaïck Desmaison, Ludivine Guillaume, Sarah Triclin, Pierre Weiss, Bernard Ducommun & Valérie Lobjois

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High-resolution mapping of brain vasculature and its impairment in the hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease mice

High-resolution mapping of brain vasculature and its impairment in the hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease mice

Accumulating evidence indicates the critical importance of cerebrovascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, systematic comparative studies on the precise brain vasculature of wild-type and AD model mice are still rare. Using an image optimization method for analyzing Micro-Optical Sectioning Tomography (MOST) data, we generated cross-scale whole-brain 3D atlases that cover the entire vascular system from large vessels down to smallest capillaries at ... Read more

Xiaochuan Zhang, Xianzhen Yin, Jingjing Zhang, Anan Li, Hui Gong, Qingming Luo, Haiyan Zhang, Zhaobing Gao, Hualiang Jiang

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Precise Cerebral Vascular Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates of Whole Mouse Brain

Precise Cerebral Vascular Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates of Whole Mouse Brain

Understanding amazingly complex brain functions and pathologies requires a complete cerebral vascular atlas in stereotaxic coordinates. Making a precise atlas for cerebral arteries and veins has been a century-old objective in neuroscience and neuropathology. Using micro-optical sectioning tomography (MOST) with a modified Nissl staining method, we acquired five mouse brain data sets containing arteries, veins, and microvessels. Based on the brain-wide vascular spatial structures and brain re... Read more

Benyi Xiong, Anan Li, Yang Lou, Shangbin Chen, Ben Long, Jie Peng, Zhongqin Yang, Tonghui Xu, Xiaoquan Yang, Xiangning Li, Tao Jiang, Qingming Luo and Hui Gong

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3D Dissection of Structural Membrane-Wall Contacts in Filamentous Moss Protonemata

3D Dissection of Structural Membrane-Wall Contacts in Filamentous Moss Protonemata

Cell-to-cell contact is essential for communication and development of multicellular organisms. A prerequisite is the passage through membranes. That way, molecular exchange and information flow is regulated via hormones, membrane proteins and pores.
In plants, the rigid cell walls prevent large membrane contact areas between protoplasts. Only plasmodesmata, minute channels between adjacent cells, form direct connections. Often, molecular data of the proteins involved are manifold but t... Read more

Dominik Harant and Ingeborg Lang

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Multiscale Co‐reconstruction of Lung Architectures and Inhalable Materials Spatial Distribution

Multiscale Co‐reconstruction of Lung Architectures and Inhalable Materials Spatial Distribution

Pulmonary diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lower respiratory infections, and lung cancer are listed in the top ten causes of deaths globally with more than 10 million mortality per year. Apart from oral administration, the Dry Powder Inhalation (DPI) for pulmonary administration provides an important alternative route for targeted treatment of these pulmonary diseases. […] Furthermore, there is a growing demand on und... Read more

Xian Sun, Xiaochuan Zhang, Xiaohong Ren, Hongyu Sun, Li Wu, Caifen Wang, Xiaohui Ye, Peter York, Zhaobing Gao, Hualiang Jiang, Jiwen Zhang, Xianzhen Yin

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Analysis of in vitro demineralised human enamel using multi-scale correlative optical and scanning electron microscopy, and high-resolution synchrotron wide-angle X-ray scattering

Analysis of in vitro demineralised human enamel using multi-scale correlative optical and scanning electron microscopy, and high-resolution synchrotron wide-angle X-ray scattering

Enamel caries is a highly prevalent worldwide disease that involves the demineralisation of the outer tooth structure. In this study, we report the analysis of artificially demineralised human enamel sections (‘slices’) etched using lactic acid (2% v/v) in comparison with healthy enamel using correlative techniques of optical and electron microscopy, as well as scanning diffraction. Demineralisation of the enamel was characterised at the micron to sub-micron scale. The structure of the he... Read more

Cyril Besnard, Robert A. Harper, Thomas E. J. Moxham, Jonathan D. James, Malte Storm, Enrico Salvati, Gabriel Landini, Richard M. Shelton, Alexander M.Korsunsky

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3D analysis of enamel demineralisation in human dental caries using high-resolution, large field of view synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography

3D analysis of enamel demineralisation in human dental caries using high-resolution, large field of view synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography


Unprecedented combination of resolution, field of view and contrast for the analysis human enamel carious lesions was achieved. Synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography revealed sub-micron details of enamel rod and inter-rod regions inaccessible by laboratory tomography. Successful segmentation and labelling allowed the extraction of enamel etching patterns and statistics. Correlation was obtained between synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography and FIB-SEM cross-sec... Read more

Cyril Besnard, Robert A. Harper, Thomas E. J. Moxham, Jonathan D. James, Malte Storm, Enrico Salvati, Gabriel Landini, Richard M. Shelton, Alexander M.Korsunsky

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Fibre misalignment and breakage in 3D printing of continuous carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites

Fibre misalignment and breakage in 3D printing of continuous carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites

Continuous carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CCFRP) composites have been increasingly used in airframes and other high-end industrial products due to their superior mechanical properties such as high strength-weight and stiffness-weight ratios […] Additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) has shown potential to fabricate continuous fibre-reinforced composites with highly complex shapes in both 2D and 3D. Among them, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing melts and deposits... Read more

Haoqi Zhang, Jiayun Chen, Dongmin Yang

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3D characterisation of dry powder inhaler formulations

3D characterisation of dry powder inhaler formulations

Carrier-based dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations need to be accurately characterised for their particle size distributions, surface roughnesses, fines contents and flow properties. Understanding the micro-structure of the powder formulation is crucial, yet current characterisation methods give incomplete information. Commonly used techniques like laser diffraction (LD) and optical microscopy (OM) are limited due to the assumption of sphericity and can give variable results depending on par... Read more

P. Gajjar, I.D. Styliari, T.T.H. Nguyen, J. Carr, X. Chen, J.A. Elliott, R.B. Hammond, T.L. Burnett, K. Roberts, P.J. Withers, D.Murnane

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X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: What is the Representative Elementary Area?

X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: What is the Representative Elementary Area?

With the growing use of X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) datasets for modelling of transport properties, comes the need to define the representative elementary volume (REV) if considering three dimensions or the representative elementary area (REA) if considering two dimensions. The resolution used for imaging must be suited to the features of interest in the sample and the region-of-interest must be sufficiently large to capture key information. Polymer electrolyte fuel cells have a hier... Read more

Jennifer Hack et al 2020 J. Electrochem.

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Nondestructive, longitudinal measurement of collagen scaffold degradation using computed tomography and gold nanoparticles

Nondestructive, longitudinal measurement of collagen scaffold degradation using computed tomography and gold nanoparticles

Biodegradable materials, such as collagen scaffolds, are used extensively in clinical medicine for tissue regeneration and/or as an implantable drug delivery vehicle. However, available methods to study biomaterial degradation are typically invasive, destructive, and/or non-volumetric. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate a new method for nondestructive, longitudinal, and volumetric measurement of collagen scaffold degradation. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were covalently ... Read more

Tyler A. Finamore, Tyler E. Curtis, James V. Tedesco, Kathryn Grandfield, Ryan K. Roeder

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Metal-organic frameworks tailor the properties of aluminum nanocrystals

Metal-organic frameworks tailor the properties of aluminum nanocrystals

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and metal nanoparticles are two classes of materials that have received considerable recent attention, each for controlling chemical reactivities, albeit in very different ways. Here, we report the growth of MOF shell layers surrounding aluminum nanocrystals (Al NCs), an Earth-abundant metal with energetic, plasmonic, and photocatalytic properties. The MOF shell growth proceeds by means of dissolution-and-growth chemistry that uses the intrinsic surface oxide o... Read more

Hossein Robatjazi, Daniel Weinberg, Dayne F. Swearer, Christian Jacobson, Ming Zhang, Shu Tian, Linan Zhou, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas

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